Online Center



Alliance Airways uses the follwing online networks for online flying, VATSIM, IVAO, and Pilot Edge. Alliance Airways pilots must be online certifed before they are allowed to connect to an online network with the Alliance call sign (AXX). The Online Center contains information for Alliance Airways pilots that are pursuing their online Certification. The mission of the Online Center is to mentor pilots in becoming proficient in, aviation communications, flight planning and, navigation. Proficiency in these areas are required in order for a pilot to obtain their Online certification.


Once a Alliance Airways pilot becomes Online certified, they are added to the Alliance Airways Online Certified Roster and can log into the online network with the Alliance Airways call sign. Alliance Airways pilots that are not Online certified are not allowed to log into the any of the Online networks with the Alliance Airways call sign. Alliance Airways pilots that are not Online Certified may conduct VFR flights on ony of the online network using only the Alliance Airways Flight School Aircraft with the NAX trainee call sign (see the Non-Online Certified Pilots section below).



There are three ways in which a pilot can obtain their Online Certification.


  1. Pass the VATSIM ZLA I-5 rating. Please fill out the Alliance Airways Online Certification Application once you have passed the ZLA Rating I5 so that you are awarded your Online Certification.
  2. Pass the Pilot Edge I-5 rating Please fill out the Alliance Airways Online Certification Application once you have passed the PE Rating I5 so that you are awarded your Online Certification.
  3. Schedule and Conduct an Online IFR flight with one of our Online Instructors.


Elite Pilots that have pass the ZLA or PE I-11 certification flights have demonstrated a higher level of proficiency, and therefore a special I-11 pin is added to their pilot badge.



Alliance Airways pilots that do not have their Online Certification may log into the any Online network and report their flight time under the following conditions:

  • May ONLY conduct VFR flights when flying online without an Alliance Airways Online Certified Mentor.
  • Cannot log in using the Alliance Airways Callsign of AXX. Callsign must begin with NAX.
  • May conduct an IFR flight online with the Alliance Airways call sign only when flying with an Alliance Airways Online Certified Mentor.


Pilots that are not Oline certified cannot not report any flights conducted online unless they meet conditions listed above. Failure to comply with the above will result in a verbal warning to that pilot. If more than three warnings are issued, that pilot will be taken off their Alliance Airways hub's roster.



In order to recive credit for online flights, Alliance Airways pilots must comply with the following:

  • Pilot must be online certified (unless flying with an online instructor)
  • The flight must be flown using the Alliance Airways Callsign (AXX)
  • The entire flight must be flown online (no logging off during the flight and then logging back in just to land).


Do not fly long flights if you cannot monitor them. Flights that end up crashing prior to the arrival point and reported will be deleted.




The goal of the Alliance Airways mentor program is to prepare Alliance Airways pilots for the VATSIM ZLA certification flights (V1-I11).


How to Contact a Alliance Airways Online Mentor

  1. Choose a Alliance Airways mentor from the Online roster and contact them by logging into the Alliance Airways message forums and using the Private message system
  2. You can either set up a time and place to meet on the VATSIM network or you can send private messages to each other about questions that you may have related to the Alliance Airways VATSIM Checkride.
  3. If a Alliance Airways mentor is logged on the VATSIM network, you may log on the network as a Alliance Airways Observer Pilot and contact the Alliance Airways Online Mentor by sending him a private message.
  4. You can also log into the Alliance Airways TeamSpeak Voice Server and ask if anyone is willing to help (all Alliance Airways pilots are friendly and very willing to assist)


Role of the Alliance Airways Online Mentor

  1. Assume a teaching role.
  2. Answer all questions about XSB, Online netowkrs, Xplane setup.
  3. Lead a newbie on a first flight Online.
  4. Cut down on the embarrassment factor through coaching.
  5. Help develop aviation, communication, and navigation skills
  6. Offer tips to training materials, links, books, etc.



Getting started with VATSIM - Setting Up

First VATSIM Flight

Sample VATSIM Transcript


VATSIM Check List - Loggin into the VATSIM Network


Alliance Airways Online Certified Pilot Roster and Mentor List

Alliance Airways Flight School