Alliance Airways Developement Blog
Latest Updates/Changes
- Typos and small corrections on different pages. If find more let us know!
Known Issues
- XACARS bugs out when hitting “Start ACARS” after previous error message - please ensure that after starting your flight reporting XACARS receives message from the server and the message is displayed on XACARS. Verifiy your flight is listed on our flight board, if not visible PIREP will fail later.
- Some badges were not transfered from old to new system. If you miss some on your profile file us a ticket please to get them back.
- Automatic rank updates might not work in some case, if you like your rank updated please file us a ticket.
2021-09-26 Minor System Update
A couple of small bug fixes released today. Map is showing again and the destination airport in the airport marker is correct. In the background we are developing the AXX Acars system.
2021-01-30 Maintenance Release
Today we released our first backend and major maintenance update. Below a list of the changes during the last maintenance period. The monthly statistics can be retrieved now via the main web page. We've seen a couple of missing PIREPs lately, so if you missed sending a PIREP you'll get notified in your pilot profile. Below the list of changes since last release.
- Monthly statistics.
- Notification for missing PIREP of last flight on pilot center.
- Handling for abandoned flights in database changed to allow resuming of flights.
- Changed data column sequence on crew/pilot list.
- Added ACARS reports list for a flight on recorded flight display page.
- Main menu adopted as requested and suggested by multiple pilots.
- Flight schedule entries for non-current scheduled flights won't generate an error anymore.
- Tour completion form added to the tours pages.
- Error correction for scheduled flight information on airport information
- Introduced icons to show monthly mimima, loa status and others in crew list.
- Manual flight reporting added via the web page - MyProfile - right under the last listed flight.
- Concorde fuel calculation in flights preparations added.
- Schedules flights route informations added - we'll remove the old route information of schedule flights and introduce a more realistic route information scheme.
- Introduced company gates information for airport information - more company gates to be added.
- Flight records statistics for fuel consumption added.
- Great circle distance calculation added to scheduled flights - due to massive database performance issues these are omitted for list of schedules with the exection of the list of departing schedules of an airport (see Continue Jorney” button on pilot profile)
- Imported airport updates from X-Plane 11.51.
- Changed Airport Information searching options to enter X-Plane ID, ICAO or name instead of using the selection box to improve loading times.
- Added “Continue Jorney” button on pilot profile - this showns all scheduled flights departing from pilots last arrival airport.
- “Last Outbound Flights” button on airport information page link corrected.
- Search/Filter option added to schedules - as requested by several crew members
- XACARS: only aircraft icao codes accepted that are listed in our system.
2020-12-27 Internal Administration Update
Our forums are back, thanks to Tony who installed a backup version of the forums on our servers. We set live today the internal administration part of the airline backend that is used by our Region Managers and Directors. During the last days you could have notices some smaller changes, mainly in the flight board views.
Next updates are planned during the upcomming week. We'll update the schedule selection functions and correct some minor issues found on the main pages. A big thank you to our crew member Roberto of giving us the feedback on Teamspeak.
We are expecting to set live some functionallity for the events and fly-ins planning. Long term functionallity will be ready for testing in the next days. Our custom made ACARS system developement is progressing and first tests were successfully performed.
2020-12-22 New Web Page
We set live our new web page and the new tailor made Alliance Airways virtual airline managemen system. The airline content is managed via a CMS system in combination with unique Alliance Airways customized plugins to handle daily virtual airline operations. The underlying database system was re-newed and updated, as a prerequirement for our new ACARS system that is expected during the year 2021.